Announcing the 2011 Canis Film Festival Winners!

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It may not be the Oscars, but the air was charged with excitement today when we announced the winners of the 2011 Canis Film Festival at ClickerExpo Chicago.

The Canis Film Festival recognizes outstanding teaching videos promoting the use of positive methods. This year’s winners demonstrated a high level of innovation, clarity of the teaching process, entertainment value, production quality, as well as the general usefulness of the video.

2011 Canis Film Festival Winners

From L-R: KPCT President Aaron Clayton,
Sachiko Eubanks accepting the award
on behalf of Elizabethanne Stevens,
Karen Pryor, and Tonji Stewart

So without further adieu, here are the winners of the 2011 Canis Film Festival:

Grand Prize (two winners!):

Basketball Playing Beagle by Tonji Stewart and What Is This? (Teaching a Visual Match to Sample) by Elizabethanne Stevens

1st Runner-up:

Dogs Like Kids They Feel Safe With by Madeline Gabriel

2nd Runner-up:

The Power of Premack: Fence Fighting by Sarah Owings and Bridges Dog Training

Congratulations to our winners, and clicks to everyone who submitted videos this year!