The "Dog" Brick

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I recently purchased a Nina Ottosson Dog Brick for the boys to play with - and being the food motivated, problem solving Hardy boys that they are, they had a blast with it (and continue to do so - they havn't quite mastered the bones yet - but we're working on it!) 

But then I got to thinking... my dear cat Hawkeye drives me CRAZY every morning and evening when he figures it's time for his breakfast (or dinner) he meows, and throws things off tables, chews on things incessantly and essentially drives me bonkers. I wait this out because I don't want him to realize that it makes me give in and feed him faster (but there are days, seriously!!) So out of frustration (I was busy studying) a couple nights ago I threw some kibbles into the Dog Brick for him - to keep him occupied until I could get around to getting him his canned food...

The result? He's better at it than the dogs are! (And it keeps him occupied and quiet until I can get around to feeding him the rest of his meal)

Win-win :)