Tag teach

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So, I am not a certified tag teacher, nor is my friend. But, I had a test over the scientific names of species for which I couldn't get down the spellings. For this class, if you spell the word wrong the answer is automatically wrong. Spelling the names over and over again didn't work (which is generally what you do), and I was getting really frustrated. So, I thought, well... why don't I try the clicker. I had it in my bag, and I gave it to my friend as well as my word list. She said the word and I spoke aloud the letter I was writing down. If it was right, she clicked, if it was wrong she ignored me, and I tried a different letter until I got it right. If I didn't spell the word right the first time, I did it again until I got it right then moved on to the next word.

I did this twice with her on separate days. My spelling on the second day was remarkably better. I just got back my exam, and I am proud to say that I didn't get anything wrong due to spelling. : ) It totally beat spelling things over and over again. Clicking took much less time, and the information stuck so much better.