Rescue Dogs

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I originally got involved with the obedience training with the local humane society because I wanted to train my own dogs, but I also wanted to give my foster dogs a better chance at a good home. We get trained dogs at the pound, but not many. Showing off a dog's tricks always helps them get a good home faster. I have been to over eight different trainers. I've seen dogs shocked, jerked, and smacked. I learned that all training is not created equal. In the last year or two I have been experimenting with the clicker and I love the results. I sometimes have 10 dogs at my house and I can get 5 at a time to sit, watch me, and wait their turn for a treat. Small stuff, but glorious all the same. Individually, they accomplish much more. I am so happy to find this websit and I am looking forward to learning more and making new training friends!