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So You Want to Be a Dolphin Trainer!

From: Amanda

Hi Karen, I am in the 9th grade and live in California. I just finished reading your book, Lads before the Wind. We had just been to Sea Life Park this summer, so the book was a double treat to read. I am doing an essay for my Honors Language Arts class on the ideal job for me. I know you are busy but wanted to ask you some questions.

If you had your schooling ahead of you, what would you choose to get a degree in if you wanted to become a marine mammal trainer (specifically dolphin trainer). What would you do different, if anything, during your time as a marine mammal trainer? Can you wear sunscreen in the tanks with the dolphins and if not how did you not get sunburned? Have you ever consideried writing a book on clicker training just for horses? As a marine mammal trainer, what extra classes (besides science and math) would you put emphasis on; acting, scuba, swimming, writing, public speaking or any others. I think your life was fascinating to read about and wish you a happy new year.

Dear Amanda,

Your questions all make good sense. Here are my answers:

> If you had your schooling ahead of you, what would you choose to get a degree in if you wanted to become a marine mammal trainer (specifically dolphin trainer).

> What would you do different, if anything, during your time as a marine mammal trainer?

> Can you wear sunscreen in the tanks with the dolphins and if not how did you not get sunburned?

> Have you ever consideried writing a book on clicker training just for horses?

> As a marine mammal trainer, what extra classes (besides science and math) would you put emphasis on; acting, scuba, swimming, writing, public speaking or any others.

The most important thing you can bring to the task to get hired is a) physical health and stamina, b) a pleasant, friendly manner, and c) some real work experience, whether it is waitressing or office work or whatever. No one wants to hire someone who has not learned the nature of a hard day's work.

Finally, Moorpark College, in Thousand Oaks, California, part of the state University system in CA. offers a two year course in Exotic Animal Management that virtually guarantees you a job in the zoo or oceanarium field if you can stick it out. Many people get two years or even four years of liberal arts or science based college under their belts, then take the Moorpark program (where you get real animals, birds, and marine mammals to train and clean up after from day one) and then go on to enjoyable careers. That's the best path if it's what you really want to do.

Karen Pryor

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Karen Pryor is the founder and CEO of Karen Pryor Clicker Training and Karen Pryor Academy. She is the author of many books, including Don't Shoot the Dog and Reaching the Animal Mind. Learn more about Karen Pryor or read Karen's Letters online.

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