The Zoe Shelter Scholarship: One Dog’s Second Chance Offers Chances to Others

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The loss of a pet can be the most difficult experiences that pet owners face. But what if you can use that loss to make the world a better place for other pets? That is precisely the question Dr. Lisa White, DVM, founder of Veterinary Behavior Management Solutions, was pondering when she contacted Karen Pryor Academy (KPA) after her 10-year-old Rhodesian ridgeback, Zoe, passed away from heart failure.

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Zoe came to live with Dr. White and her husband when she was five years old, after her previous owners relinquished her due to her anxiety issues. As a veterinarian who owns a practice that focuses on behavior, Dr. White had seen the benefits of clicker training for fearful and anxious dogs and was eager to help Zoe. “Clicker training allowed us to strengthen our bond with Zoe by giving us the ability to communicate with her in a stress-free manner,” said Dr. White. “We thought that maybe through KPA we could help other dogs blossom and move past their insecurities,” she explained regarding her steps after Zoe’s death.

Wanting to fill the greatest need and help as many dogs as possible, Dr. White chose to donate in Zoe’s memory scholarships to KPA’s Shelter Training & Enrichment course. “Primarily, we hope to improve the lives of animals while they are in the shelter and after they are adopted. Budgets for shelters are often very tight and many shelters do not have the resources to do more training and enrichment activities. The Shelter Training & Enrichment course gives shelters tools to improve the lives of the animals while they are at the shelter as well as after they are adopted.”

In honor of Adopt-a-Dog Month, two Zoe Shelter Scholarships will be awarded to the two shelters that best articulate their commitment to learning about and implementing positive reinforcement training, enrichment, and welfare strategies for the animals in their care.

Dr. White adds, “It makes us very emotional to think that Zoe’s struggles with anxiety, and our success in helping her, could now help other dogs move past their anxieties to live long and happy lives.”

Please help us help dogs like Zoe! Apply today for the Zoe Shelter Scholarship on behalf of your shelter—and spread the word.