Though you may refuse to use shock as a dog-training tool, some of your potential clients have used it (especially in the United States). Some clients will want to continue using it, in lieu of your suggestions of positive-reinforcement alternatives, or, possibly, in addition to them. Each dog-care professional must decide how to respond to this dilemma. In deciding, it’s helpful to understand the unique power shock has to damage the psychological well-being of animals in our care and the power to deceive its users regarding its efficacy. We’ll examine a few of the complexities of this emotional and crucial issue.
The Seductiveness of Shock
By admin on 08/10/2017
Filed in
Kathy Sdao
Expo Session Level:
All Levels
Course Type: :
Learning Session
Expo Location:
Irvine, CA
Expo Location:
St. Louis, MO