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What Did Attendees Think of ClickerExpo Chicago?

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Chicago Expo Clicker Challenge Champions

Challenge Champs

A big success! The first ClickerExpo, held in Chicago, was a definite success judging by the evaluation / feedback forms turned in: 92% of those who turned in surveys said that they would recommend ClickerExpo to a friend and 90% of the respondents said that we either met their expectations, beat their expectations or "wowed" them. 22% alone described their experience as a "wow!"

Numerous members of the Society of Veterinary Behavior Technicians (SVBT) recently attended Karen Pryor's inaugural ClickerExpo in Chicago, Illinois. In the organization's journal, The Behavior Perspective, SVBT president Julie Shaw, R.V.T., writes "The Expo proved to be an enthusiastic and positive learning experience, tailored to both the dog training and the veterinary public.…The information ranged from methods for using a clicker to train pocket pets, to new avenues being explored such as using the clicker to teach children gymnastics skills. Quality continuing education should create for renew excitement for the subject matter, and deliver practical information which participants can't wait to put into action. The Clicker Expo accomplished both and much more…an outstanding continuing education event."

"This is a 'must attend' conference for any SVBT member."

Chicago Expo Clicker Challenge Runners Up

Runners Up

Here's what attendees had to say:

"It finally clicked! Karen is trying to push us farther—and by showing us all the wonderful work of so many, we see just how much farther our dogs can go!"

"Incredible speakers. Everyone did a great job—interesting informative, lots of sound useful, NOW information."

"Good mix of beginner and experienced workshops."

"Great atmosphere; so positive , so energetic, what a great group to be with for three days."

"Best parts were working my own dog in the exercises with feedback from the presenters, watching presenters work dogs, the availability of presenters, and the Clicker Challenge."

"Click to Calm was my favorite, but beyond that, just the willingness of the leaders to take the extra time to help us."

"My favorite part was Kathy Sdao. She really filled in some of the larger gaps in my knowledge and inspired me to persevere in teaching clicker. The second best part was everything!"

Chicago Expo Speakers

ClickerExpo Chicago Speakers

"Great speakers, great ideas, and an interactive experience!"

"The best part was how much more I learned about shaping. I'm already an advanced clicker trainer, so I got more advanced in my training."

"So much wonderful information! Loved the shaping with dogs from the audience."

"The best part was being in an environment of like-minded individuals talking and learning from the speakers and each other."

"Fantastic Expo! I expected glitches since this was the first one, but if there were any, they sure didn't show! The speakers were all excellent and the video presentations were the most professional I've seen. It was a fun and very positive weekend from start to finish. The staff, volunteers, speakers, and all the attendees I talked with were friendly and helpful. Everyone was more than willing to share their experiences if they thought it would help somebody else. Thanks to you and everyone for all your hard work. It was surely appreciated by everybody there. Hope I can make it next year!"

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