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Real Kids Training Real Puppies in Real Time Are a Hit!

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New distribution agreement makes popular Canadian DVD widely available for resale by US pet stores, catalogs, and specialty stores.

Waltham, MA, March 27, 2005Clicker Puppy, the new, groundbreaking teaching DVD that demonstrates successful, unrehearsed puppy training performed solely by children, is winning accolades from top dog trainers and even social workers across the US and Canada. Clicker Puppy, which was recently nominated for the Training Excellence Award for 2005 by the International Positive Dog Training Association, will now be more widely distributed to parenting and pet outlets including stores, catalogs, and e-tailers in the US, through Karen Pryor Clickertraining, a leading source of dog training information, products, and services.

Clicker Puppy, created in Canada by Doggone Crazy!, shows how children can safely interact with the family puppy while the puppy learns at an accelerated rate and everyone has a lot of fun in the process. Using children instead of professional dog trainers to interact with young pups, Clicker Puppy demonstrates how their involvement in the training promotes the development of a loving, respectful bond between child and dog. Many families make the mistake of allowing a puppy to play with the children as if they were all puppies, resulting in inadvertent nips to children, and escalating to progressively dangerous situations as the puppy grows.

"We're thrilled we have the opportunity to distribute Doggone Crazy!'s Clicker Puppy to our US retail partners and pet owners," said KPCT president, Aaron Clayton. "Nineteen million households with children have pets and this DVD speaks right to them." A short clip showing eight-week-old puppies sitting, retrieving, and giving a high five can be seen here.

Karen Pryor, the leading expert in the field of clicker training, said of Clicker Puppy, "This delightful show goes right to the heart of what clicker training is all about. You'll see boys and girls teaching VERY young puppies, sometimes in a minute or less. A wonderful way to learn clicker training!"

Clicker Puppy, distinctive for its promotion of positive training methods, early puppy training, and child-led puppy training, is also winning accolades from family and parenting experts. Clicker training is much more than just a training method; it is an entire philosophy. Children who learn to use positive reinforcement in animal training acquire empathy and learn to treat people and animals with kindness and respect. This excellent and engaging DVD teaches people of all ages how to teach their companion animals good manners. At the same time, it teaches empathy and stresses safety. "It's a great resource for parents and children," said family counselor and author Lynn Loar, Ph.D., LCSW, President, Pryor Foundation and co-author, Teaching Empathy: Animal-Assisted Therapy Programs for Children and Families Exposed to Violence.

The Clicker Puppy DVD retails for $24.95 and includes bonus tracks for training small pets including bunnies and an eight-panel illustrated guide on clicker training written by children.

For wholesale prices and information in US, Europe, and Asia, contact Aaron Clayton, KPCT at 800-472-5425. For wholesale prices and information in Canada contact Joan Orr at 905-854-3232.

Karen Pryor Clickertraining is a leading creator and distributor of clicker training products and education resources. Doggone Crazy! is a company dedicated to dog bite prevention education, and the creator of the family board game, Doggone Crazy!, an action-packed game that empowers kids with the knowledge they need to make safe choices around dogs.


Aaron Clayton
KPCT: Karen Pryor Clickertraining
800-472-5425; 781-398-0754 (phone)
781-398-0761 (fax)

Joan Orr
Doggone Crazy
877-350-3232 (phone)
905-854-3271 (fax)

clicker_puppy_promo.wmv2.48 MB

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