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Lights, Camera, Behavior!

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Attention animal trainers everywhere, get out those video cameras!

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Karen Pryor Clickertraining (KPCT) announces a worldwide showcase for videos that demonstrate great animal training. Over $2,500 in cash prizes and a video contract await the producers of innovative and informative training videos of dogs, horses, cats, and any other species from rats to rabbits, llamas to lizards.

The Canis Film Festival will showcase qualifying videos on its website as the submissions come in, with winning videos shown and announced in April 2007 at ClickerExpo, KPCT's highly acclaimed teaching conference. Anyone using all-positive methods of training can qualify for submission. Videos must be short; no longer than 7 minutes. The Grand Prize includes $500, the Canis Film Festival trophy, and a distribution agreement. Submissions will be accepted beginning June 1, 2006 and must be received by November 1, 2006.

"We have great professional and hobbyist trainers in our community out there, doing amazing things and few of them really get an audience to show what they can do and how they do it. This is that showcase! The emphasis at the Canis Film Festival is not just on the finished behavior but showing someone how to train that behavior," said Karen Pryor, leader of KPCT and one of the pioneers of modern methods of all-positive, effective training used by trainers in zoos, oceanariums, and schools all over the world.

Karen Pryor Clickertraining is the leading producer and distributor of educational materials that teach people to train all kinds of animals without using force or punishment.

Details for producers and sponsorship opportunities and can be found at www.canisfilmfestival.com; or e-mail Aaron Clayton at pr [at] clickertraining [dot] com.

About the author
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Aaron Clayton is President of Karen Pryor Clicker Training and TAGteach International, and a member of the ClickerExpo Faculty.

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