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ClickerConnect: Keep your website fresh and interesting

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Refresh your website with new clicker training content

Fresh articles and information, what Internet users call "content," is the reason why people return to websites. While many trainers have their own websites, few give users motivation to come back to it. And for good reason. You're a trainer, not a writer and not a web wizard. Creating and updating content takes time and money away from your primary mission.

That's why KPCT has made our branded content available to you for free. Now you can have great clicker training content, automatically refreshed every month on your own website. It's easy to install, maintenance free, and users won't need to leave your website to view it. We call it ClickerConnect, and it's free. Our ClickerConnect service boosts pet-oriented website appeal by offering visitors unique, high quality content with a minimum of hassle and at no cost.

KPCT stories change monthly and cover a range of animal-related and teaching-related topics. Featured stories in March and April 2005 included:

  • How rethinking cueing can give agility competitors an edge on the agility course
  • Why targeting is effective in ways that luring is not
  • How an avian rescue organization saves birds with clicker training
  • How your new puppy and your first-grader may be a lot alike
  • How a miniature horse has been trained as a guide horse
  • Tips on training multiple dogs in the same household

"This is another innovation we've designed to introduce more of the pet world to the power of clicker training," said KPCT President Aaron Clayton. "Many fine dog and horse trainers have websites that haven't changed in content in months or even years, while the trainers' own techniques have evolved. ClickerConnect will enable them to keep their websites as up to date as their training skills. Websites for cats, rabbits, ferrets and birds, and other small pets will also have new stories each month and will be able to introduce their visitors to a field that can change their lives. ClickerConnect gives them a stream of vetted high-quality information, while also giving them one less thing to worry about. You don't have to write all your own the content; we have it for you and it's free. So come and get it!"

ClickerConnect, a RSS content feed, is available at www.clickertraining.com/rss. It installs quickly and effortlessly, and contains the leads for the top stories on clickertraining.com. No special technical knowledge is required to install ClickerConnect. The content will open up in a separate window when users click on stories.

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