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Clicker Training for Your Horse: About the Author

Author Alexander Kurland

Alexandra Kurland earned her B.S. degree from Cornell University, where she specialized in animal behavior. In the 1980s she studied with Linda Tellington-Jones and became a TTEAM Practitioner. The other major influence on her riding at that time came from the high school dressage trainer, Bettina Drummond. In the early 1990s she added John Lyons' training into the mix to develop her own teaching program, "Riding In a State of Excellence." In 1993 she learned about clicker training and began to apply its principles to horses. Since 1996 she has been writing extensively about her experiences with clicker uses. Her home base is in upstate New York. She can be reached via her web site at: the Clicker Center. She is the author of three children's books, The Kenyon Bear Books, and shares her life with her cats and her horses.

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