U-CD B Mine vd Frolikind zu Frontier CD, RE, TD, CGC, TT

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Owner Name:
Diane Richardson & Gretchen Caldwell
Trainer Name:
Diane Richardson
UKC CD, AKC CD, AKC RN in 3 trials, AKC RA in 3 trials, AKC RE in 3 trials, TD, CGC, TT and 4 AKC RAE "legs". Finished 2005 tied for 16th place for American Rottweiler Club Rally Excellent rankings. For 2006 she was ARC 5th place rally excellent and 11th place rally advanced and 9th place Front & Finish combined Rally Excellent and Advanced (this is with competing in just 4 trials in 2006). Bea died from osteosarcoma at 4 years 11 months old
Positive-Only Pledge: