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Dog Training - When Should I Reward My Dog or Puppy? Part 1 of 2

Filed in - reward. timing - criteria

When should you reward your dog? This article will answer some of your questions on when and how to reward your dog with purpose for more effective and faster training results.

Reward training uses the principle of Positive Reinforcement. Positive Reinforcement is when we give the dog something he or she wants as a consequence for behavior we like. It's like going to work and getting paid.

No voluntary behavior is ever maintained or increased without reinforcement.

Therefore, any behavior you want maintained or increased should be reinforced. That's not to say you should give a food reward every time you see behavior you want more of. There are many potential reinforcers, food is just one of them. Patting, letting your dog outside, going for a walk, attention, praise, toys and games are all potentially reinforcers. The real and only test of a reinforcer is to see if you get more of the behavior you rewarded.