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Skills for Every Day

The Training Relationship: Engagement

Editor’s note: In her new bestselling book Awesome Obedience: A Positive Training Plan for Compet

My Dog Is Aging—Now What? More Training, Of Course!

A click for all ages

As your dog moves into her senior years you’ll probably notice some subtle changes—she groans a bit when changing positions, hesitates briefly when a

Reducing Leash Reactivity: The Engage-Disengage Game

Sound familiar? The 4 Fs of fear

Kindness First

In the signature line of my email, I include the following quote by Frederick W. Faber:

"Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence, or learning."

The mid-nineteenth century theologian was, no doubt, referring to religious conversion, but I have found the quote inspiring in all aspects of my life, especially when teaching people about dogs and clicker training.


How to Keep Your Dog Calm When the Doorbell Rings

Are you Suburban Woman, loving but exasperated owner of Fido and Fifi? Does your home seem like the 5th at Santa Anita every time the doorbell rings? Wouldn't it be wonderful if your dog actually moved away from the door when the doorbell rang rather than crowd you for a position to greet, or "eat", the people on the other side? Wouldn't you love to have a dog that sits, lies down, or even runs to another room when the doorbell rings-instead of all the embarrassing things your dog currently does?