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crossover trainer

Ode to Boy: A Tribute to My Crossover Dog

Yesterday, I said goodbye to you, Monte.

You were my best friend. My hero, my hope, my inspiration, my rock. This last week has been really hard, watching you get worse, slow down, fall apart, and knowing that there was little I could do to take your pain away. I so hoped we could save you, $12000 of surgery would have been a bargain to have even one more happy day with you, but sadly this was not to be.

In which I kick myself in the rear and get going...

Egad!  I can't believe it's been so long since I've entered anything here!   The past week has been all full of ups and downs... many downs.

In which I have my own lightbulb moment

Thanks to your comments and some more reading..... Aha!!!

In which I feel all defeated and stupid....

Geez.... I feel like I'm spinning my tires here lately!