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User Blogs

Clickertraining.com's users are some of the brightest, most creative trainers in the world. Read what they have to say here, or start your own blog and share your training experience with the world!

Introducing the Target-stick to Maddie, Dorcas and Jemimah

My impatience for the arrival of the UPS truck continues, and in my spare time I devise a target-stick for the rabbits out of a piece of an old wardrobe that had fallen apart.

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Waiting for the UPS Truck

It seems the clicker and the target stick cannot get here quickly enough. I wait on the front porch swing, wishing the UPS truck were rounding the bend in the road, ready to deliver the packages.  But I know it will be another few days. The rabbits seem so ready for this kind of training. They are so eager to please and do love their yoghurt berry and yoghurt carrot and carrot cake treats.  

High Expectations

I have high aspirations for clicker-training my rabbits, and maybe eventually my fiance's (12) cats. . . .
