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Clickertraining.com's users are some of the brightest, most creative trainers in the world. Read what they have to say here, or start your own blog and share your training experience with the world!

Clickin' the Pug, vol. 1

Wow, this dog knows suff!

2.5 years' road - how it was and how it is now

He was on the floor, me standing above him, my hand on his throat, and he was still growling. What a stupid dog, didn't he realise why was he being punished for? Now, I tend to think that he was growling at me at that point, although that would be totally against his personality but I feel better when I think that he was growling at me. That would mean that he judged me, and found me guilty of my terrible crimes.

Newbie needs help with a puppy plan

step-by-step puppy plan


Wow, my first blog!

Discrimination and Links in a Chain

So I wanted to start teaching color discrimination.