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FAQs about the Clicker+

The Clicker+ is the first clicker to provide digitally produced sound, multiple "click" sounds, and two volume settings. The Clicker+ also features a unique Faststrap system that enables instant access to your clicker.

Why I Love the Clicker+

Editor's note: The Clicker+ grew out of a commitment to better training. Liz Harward, one of the designers of the Clicker+ and a talented clicker trainer, answers questions and talks about the features and benefits of the Clicker+.

Q: Can the Clicker+ improve how you teach others?
I teach a lot of folks how to train their dogs. The dogs aren't the challenge, usually. It's the people. So, I really wanted a tool that let people know when they had good timing or gave good feedback to their dogs. I talked with Karen Pryor about this problem and she suggested using the different clicks on the Clicker+ to help the students learn.