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FAQs about the Clicker+

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The Clicker+ is the first clicker to provide digitally produced sound, multiple "click" sounds, and two volume settings. The Clicker+ also features a unique Faststrap system that enables instant access to your clicker.

Are digitally produced sounds important?

The sounds of the Clicker+ are produced using an electronic chip. Since all the sounds are encoded on the chip, they're exactly same every time you click. The traditional mechanically produced click has all kinds of variation due to both discrepancies in the steel and production techniques, as well as weather, wear and tear, and our own human inconsistent pressure on the fulcrum. By producing the sounds digitally, we've created something truly unique and a completely new level of consistency in the information conveyed by the wonderful "click."

Are the additional new click sounds of the Clicker+ just as effective as the traditional "click"?

Yes, we certainly think so—and our fieldwork to date supports this belief. We analyzed the harmonic properties that make the traditional click so effective and all the new sounds of the Clicker+ leverage those properties. But just as importantly, each of the sounds of the Clicker+ is produced using an electronic chip. Since the sounds are encoded on the chip, they're exactly same every time you click, providing your dog with a truly consistent marker.

How do I hold the Clicker+?

The Clicker+ has an innovative finger strap and can also be hooked on a lanyard or wrist coil. The innovative Faststrap design improves the mechanics of clicker training, from holding the clicker to reinforcing, and especially helps improve your timing. You simply plant the Clicker+ on your finger—and the clicker is always where it needs to be. The strap is always there, already attached to the clicker. This eliminates a key element of juggling the clicker, leash, treats, etc. and will really help your timing.

When do I use the indoor outdoor/volume settings?

The Clicker+ is the first clicker to provide people multiple "click" sounds and two volume settings. Dogs can hear both volumes most of the time, but the indoor volume is more comfortable for a trainer and their dog in settings where there isn't much ambient noise. Where there is a lot of ambient noise, the loud click is easier for both humans and dogs to hear, and hearing that click is part of the cycle of improving your timing. You can set your Clicker+ to switch instantaneously between the louder and softer "clicks."

Why does the Clicker+ feature additional sounds as "clicks"?

The Clicker+ is the first clicker to provide multiple "click" sounds. The Clicker+ has four distinct "clicks"—click, ping, trill, and chirp. First, as all the sounds are effective, it's just plain fun to have more options. You'll also find it fun to set up cue and click combinations, where one sound is set as a cue for a behavior that you've taught and another is set as your click.

You'll also find it much easier to train multiple animals when they each have a distinct marker signal. For example, each of your dogs can have their own sound and know when you are working with them only. When you are shaping a new behavior you can take the dogs out to train with their marker signal individually. It's easy to teach a dog what their new marker signal is: pair the new sound with three or four treats and you' re ready to go. You can also still use the traditional click sound as a universal marker. So you can click your whole group of dogs—say for following you back into the kennel or being quiet—or just an individual dog. You can also pick a unique sound for your other pets like horses, birds, ferrets, or cats! It will be a sound that the dogs don't know and don't respond to. Now you don't need to put the dogs out when you are clicking the bird—she'll get her "chirp" and the dogs are none the wiser. Finally, if you teach others, you'll find the Clicker+ improves your teaching.

Can the Clicker+ improve how I teach others?

Very much so. It's one of the great benefits for teachers. With the Clicker+, pick one unique click to mark the behavior of your students and a separate unique click for the dogs. For example, at class you might decide that the "ping" will be the marker signal for the people. Let students know that when you see them giving good feedback to their dogs that you will tag them (the term used when clicker training people in TAGteach). It's common for trainers to demonstrate the exercise and then walk around and give help individually. With the Clicker+ you are able to instantly give feedback and the learner instantly knows if they "got it."

Trainer Liz Harward writes about her experience

"It is so simple and effective to tag my pet parents when they look at their dog, their dog looks back and they treat, and anytime they give good feedback. As a result, I can see that people are learning much faster—they quickly get a feel for what I am showing them. (Another interesting thing happened too—my students started noticing when others got good feedback!) Using the Clicker+ as a TAGteaching tool is making my job of teaching so much easier. It's more reinforcing for me too, as folks are understanding concepts so much more quickly. What may have taken some folks weeks to learn previously, they are now getting in one session. I feel more effective.

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