Mushing with your dog is exciting—and a great workout for both of you. Here's everything you need to know in order to get started.
ClickerExpo 2008: So Much to Offer
By Karen Pryor on 11/01/2007Another season of ClickerExpo is coming! In 2008, ClickerExpo will be in Los Angeles, California, February 1-3 and in Lexington, Kentucky, March 28-30.
The ClickerChallenge Comes to Switzerland
By Simone Fasel on 07/01/2007The first-ever ClickerChallenge in Switzerland took place the weekend of May 19-20, 2007. It was quite an exciting event—and what an exciting evolution clicker training has been through in our country!
Clicker Training a 2 on / 2 off Contact Behavior on the Dogwalk
By Deborah Jones PhD on 03/01/2007Having a solid, reliable 2 on / 2 off contact behavior on the dogwalk is a great advantage in agility. The 2 on / 2 off is a clear, specific position that most dogs find easy to learn and perform. It also requires the dog to wait until you catch up and release him, which allows for better handling of subsequent sequences. My method for training this behavior involves early foundation skills, clicking for correct position, feeding in position, and back-chaining.
How to Train Scent Discrimination for Obedience Competition
By Morgan Spector on 03/01/2007Scent discrimination is one of the "advanced" obedience exercises, but it is actually one of the easiest to train. Why? You are working with the dog's single most acute sense: smell. Although the word is politically charged, in behavioral terms "discrimination" simply means a choice made on the basis of established criteria. In the case of scent articles, that criterion is the handler's scent ("find the one that smells like me").