Waltham, MA, February 12, 2008—Karen Pryor Academy announces the launch of the international version of its Dog Trainer Program, specifically designed for dog trainers living outside North America who are looking for education and certification from world-renowned trainer, author, and behavioral biologist Karen Pryor, a pioneer of force-free training technology. The first class of International students hails from Hong Kong, Australia, Israel, Taiwan, and Finland. Applications are now being accepted for the second course, which begins in January 2009.
Saving Jack: Clicker Training an Aggressive Border Collie
By Renee Premaza on 02/01/2008I'd like to tell you the story of my relationship with a 14 month-old Border collie. This dog was used to having his own way in life; he was dominant/aggressive and extremely hand-shy when I adopted him. If it weren't for the use of a little clicker toy, I am positive he would not be alive today.
Introducing Dogs to a New Baby
By Aidan Bindoff on 02/01/2008Q: How should I introduce my two dogs to our new baby?
What is Microshaping, Anyway?
By Kay Laurence on 01/08/2008This month I'm welcoming a guest author to the Letter from Karen, British clicker training innovator Kay Laurence. Please enjoy this wonderful discussion of what Kay has dubbed "microshaping."—Karen Pryor
Training Your Dog to Recognize a Smoke or Fire Alarm
By Virginia Broitman on 01/01/2008Reacting appropriately to the sound of a smoke or fire alarm is an important skill to teach a dog, especially a Service Dog assisting a person with a hearing impairment. Pet dogs can also be taught to recognize these alarms, and to alert owners who are such heavy sleepers that they would not wake up on their own.