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From Australia to Israel, International Dog Trainers Fly to USA to Learn the Karen Pryor Way

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Waltham, MA, February 12, 2008—Karen Pryor Academy announces the launch of the international version of its Dog Trainer Program, specifically designed for dog trainers living outside North America who are looking for education and certification from world-renowned trainer, author, and behavioral biologist Karen Pryor, a pioneer of force-free training technology. The first class of International students hails from Hong Kong, Australia, Israel, Taiwan, and Finland. Applications are now being accepted for the second course, which begins in January 2009.

The international program uses the same high-quality curriculum and technology as the standard Dog Trainer Program but is organized around a convenient schedule for dog trainers living outside the United States and Canada. Students complete the base program via the Internet in a state-of -the-art, online classroom and then travel to a location near Seattle, WA, for 10 days of integrated training, education, and certification assessment with Karen Pryor Academy certified faculty member Terry Ryan. Dogs are provided to students on site in the US and affordable accommodations are available.

The Karen Pryor Academy Dog Trainer Program combines the convenience of online learning with hands-on teaching from a renowned faculty of trainers nationwide. Students of Karen Pryor Academy receive intensive training in the force-free techniques needed to teach both animals and their human caregivers, as well as access to business training, curriculum plans, and instruction programs.

With 11 teaching locations in 8 US states (CA, MA, IN, WA, OR, NM, NY, and FL) plus Ottawa, Canada, the school expects to certify between 60 and 100 new trainers in its first year of operation. Graduates then participate in a unique program to market their services to pet owners nationwide. Karen Pryor Academy is the only non-franchised dog trainers' school in the country with national reach and teaching locations from coast to coast. New locations will be added regularly.

"We've launched the Academy to ensure that great clicker trainers are successful in the marketplace," said Karen Pryor. "To do that, we need to make certain that they get the education they need to meet the highest standards for training, and we need to give them greater marketing support than they've ever experienced."

KPCT President Aaron Clayton said, "We have a distinct, powerful message for pet owners: training without force is better for you, better for your family, and better for your dog. To get that message across effectively, we have to address the challenge created by trainers who market themselves as non-punishment trainers but who in fact use punishment. And we need to address the disadvantages faced by small-scale independent trainers. Our certification process is a linchpin for curing these ills. We have a comprehensive system to offer marketing scale to Certified Training Partners across the country."

More information is available at www.karenpryoracademy.com/dog-trainer-program/international.


Aaron Clayton, President
Karen Pryor Clickertraining (KPCT)
49 River Street #3
Waltham, MA 02453
Phone: 800-47-CLICK

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