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Positive Training Conference "Wows" Attendees

Waltham, MA, December 1, 2005 —ClickerExpo, the world's only clicker training conference, has just earned an unparalleled success rate. Most recently held in Minneapolis, MN, November 4-6, an unprecedented 99% of attendees who returned a survey reported that ClickerExpo Minneapolis "met expectations," "exceeded expectations," or was a "wow!" experience (the highest rating available).

Training an "Emergency" Down

Q: How can I clicker train an emergency "down"? This seems like an important behavior to have on cue.

Animals and Grief

In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, we were all moved by the TV scenes of lost or abandoned dogs hanging around their flooded homes, some fearfully evading capture, others swimming desperately after the rescue boats. They had lost their familiar lives. They surely missed their familiar people. And what if there had been more than one animal in a house? Do animals miss other animals? Do animals grieve for each other?

JavaDawgs: Clickers and Coffee

Clearly, JavaDawgs is more than your average dog training group. "This is not a top down training group," explains group founder Lisa Clifton-Bumpass from her home in Hayward, CA. "We function as a team, working for the betterment of each dog-owner team and as a larger team of people focused on bettering themselves as dog enthusiasts. Not all members are on the field at once. Some members work their dogs, others act as training coaches, and others are observing dog body language, timing-criteria setting, and handling skills. All voices and observations are of value in this process as we are all developing our skills as a team."

Another Good Reason to Clicker Train Loose-Leash Walking

You know that your dog needs a walk each day to stay fit and happy. Have you considered that walking the dog may contribute to your health and happiness as well? After surveying more than 800 dog owners, Australian researchers have the data to prove that yes, walking the dog provides significant health benefits for humans as well as dogs.