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Positive Training Conference "Wows" Attendees

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Waltham, MA, December 1, 2005 —ClickerExpo, the world's only clicker training conference, has just earned an unparalleled success rate. Most recently held in Minneapolis, MN, November 4-6, an unprecedented 99% of attendees who returned a survey reported that ClickerExpo Minneapolis "met expectations," "exceeded expectations," or was a "wow!" experience (the highest rating available).

Animal trainers, veterinary professionals, shelter volunteers, and pet owners from Australia to Japan attend over 45 different sessions during the three-day conference. A world-class Expo faculty led attendees through a full range of seminars and interactive classes, from "Healing Aggressive Behavior: Dog to Dog" to "How to Develop Your Own Training Plan."

One attendee said of the Expo Minneapolis experience: "My expectation for ClickerExpo was to learn the patches for holes in my training mechanics. Coupling the teaching theory sessions with the practical Learning Labs provided the threads to weave the patches. Thank you for an extraordinary three days with engaging coaches."

ClickerExpo Minneapolis was the first of the 2005-2006 Expo season. The conference will move to Tucson, AZ, January 27-29, 2006 and Newport, RI, March 31-April 2, 2006. Registration information is available at www.clickerexpo.com.

The philosophy behind ClickerExpo is "improving, learning, practicing, and sharing." The conference brings together clicker trainers and positive reinforcement experts from around the world to share their skills and knowledge. Attendees sharpen and improve their training and teaching skills, stay on the leading edge of clicker training techniques and research, socialize with like-minded individuals, and work with the internationally respected ClickerExpo faculty.

Many attendees from past ClickerExpos say that the interactive ClickerExpo experience has a huge and positive impact on their training success, their teaching methods, and their relationships with their animals and the world around them.

Aaron Clayton, President
Karen Pryor Clickertraining (KPCT)
49 River Street #3
Waltham, MA 02453
Phone: 800-47-CLICK

Our stuff just clicks.

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