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Karen's Letters

What's New in Clicker Training? A Lot!

Thanks to the ever-growing clicker community around the world, there is a lot that's new and astonishing in the science and application of clicker training.

Operant Conditioning at the Zoo

Many zoos are now using operant conditioning to improve the wellbeing of their animals. Targeting enables keepers to move animals around without frightening them. Clicker training provides mental and physical stimulation, enriches the animals' lives, and can even save lives. (Once upon a time zoo animals had to be immobilized with a dart gun to get medical treatment. There's some risk involved-it's hard to judge the dosage-and the animals universally hate the experience, and often exhibit extreme stress which of course skews the results of any blood tests you might want to take). Now clicker training enables zoo vets and keepers to weigh the animals regularly, and to perform annual physicals, vaccinations, pregnancy exams, blood draws, hoof care, and treatment for illness, with the calm cooperation of their patients.

Clicker Questioners

Once upon a time I was teaching a clicker class to this West Highland Terrier Club. People were laughing and clicking and two dozen little white dogs were learning different things all over the room. Then I noticed one woman just sitting there, with her dog hiding under her chair.

"Don't you want to try? It's fun!" I said.
"Oh, it wouldn't work with MY dog," she said, glancing disdainfully around the room. Her air of certainty aroused my curiosity. Perhaps her dog had some unusual medical problem.
"Really?" I said. Why not?"
"My dog's from England!"

Clicker Research Challenges

People ask clicker trainers the same questions, over and over. Why can't I just use my voice? Why can't I tell the animal what to do? When can I get rid of the food? Why should I bother to shape the behavior inch by inch when I can just make the animal do it?

The Clicker Challenge: A Great New Dog Sport!

Boston clicker trainer MaryAnn Callahan and I just returned from the National UK Clicker Challenge, in England. Kay Laurence, founder of Learning About Dogs, Ltd., and Teaching Dogs magazine, originated the idea and began holding local Clicker Challenges in England a couple of years ago.