In September we took to the Tufts Animal Expo, a huge conference for veterinarians and other animal care professionals. This year we were impressed by how savvy our booth visitors and audiences were. There were lots of experienced clicker trainers out there, and more than a few were veterinarians.
Karen's Letters
Online Shelter Discussion a Big Hit
By Karen Pryor on 09/01/2002Our first on-line discussion, "Clicker Training in the Shelter Environment," was a smash hit. Great questions, great solutions, great new ideas-and participation from all over the world.
I Have a Present for You this Month
By Karen Pryor on 08/01/2002On July 11 we had our first on-line all day email discussion. The topic was Clicker Training in the Shelter Environment. Hundreds of people signed on. Dee Ganley and Nancy Lyons of Upper Valley Humane Society pitched in all day long. So did I. So did Melissa Alexander, Kathleen Weaver, and many other distinguished clickeristas. The questions and the answers were extraordinary.
A Day with Kay Laurence
By Karen Pryor on 07/01/2002The big training event around here recently was a quickly organized one-day workshop for fifteen lucky clicker trainers, taught by British clicker teacher Kay Laurence. Mary Ann Callahan did an incredible job of pulling a workshop together on short notice. (Kay made the trip to deliver my daughter Gale Pryor's new border collie puppy, Pheobe. Gale who is editor and book production supervisor at Sunshine Books, saw the litter on our business trip to the UK in March and found the perfect apprentice for the now-elderly family border collie Esme. Ezzie, who helped raise all three of Gale's little boys, has taken on her new charge with complete calm, treats her kindly but firmly, and really does teach the puppy what to do, an interesting sight.)
Clicking in the Shelter Environment
By Karen Pryor on 05/01/2002I've become very interested in clicker training dogs and cats in shelters. I've visited shelters around the United States and the UK and seen clicker programs in use. I often use shelter dogs for clicker demos at scientific and professional meetings. I've also gone into shelters, usually at the request of some TV team, and just started clicking and treating one dog or cat after another, in their cages—an interesting and often amazing experience.