KPA Tip of the Day: Food Bowl Training

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At least twice every day, there are more than 50 reinforcers in one place, reinforcers that we often forget to use—the dog’s dinner bowl. No trainer should waste an opportunity like that!

Food bowl training is perfect for those behaviors that need a high rate of reinforcement. Here is an exercise that I use to help dogs love being at my side. Success with this behavior helps to get dogs ready for loose-leash walking.

With my dog off-leash at mealtime, I simply walk with my hungry dog and click and treat for the dog being at my side—treating one piece at a time. I shape for closer and closer proximity to me. Make it a fun dinner game for your dog. After just a few sessions, you’ll see that this is a fast and fun exercise that you and your dog will both enjoy.

KPA Tips of the Day are brought to you by Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partners. You can find more great tips here.

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