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Building a Training Facility

Filed in - training - building - proposal

Hi, I'm new to this site and having some trouble navigating...don't know how it will appear!!

I'm a volunteer 'clicker' trainer for a small no-kill shelter in Atlanta Ga.  We desperately need to build a training building.  I am helping to write a proposal to solicit donations from the business and private community...If anyone's done this please share...!!!  I have written the building can be used for the following much needed purposes...training, volunteer orientation and training of volunteers on dog handling techniques, bonding room (we have nothing) and temperament testing.  We've recently did minimun training on 7 'long term' dogs that got adopted within weeks of being trained...that's good and got us started.  We're going to take our 'proposals' to Home Shows, businessmen, Home Depot etc.

What do you all think?


The Dog Tutor 

Kelly Ballance's picture

Training Facility - check out The Oregon Humane Society


R+ to you for volunteering at your local animal shelter! Yey! A training facility is a fantastic way to support the mission of your shelter and help your community.

Behavior is one of the top reasons that animals lose their homes and are surrendered to shelters. There are few things better at destroying the human animal bond than behavior problems (whether it's barking, lack of leash 'manners' or litterbox amnesia). It goes to follow that by assisting the community with behavior needs, you will help strengthen the human-animal bond and reduce the number of pets that lose their homes due to behavior problems. This will have a direct effect on the euthanasia rates at shelters across the city. Reducing euthanasia is a great selling point, and one that many businesses will want to support.

The Oregon Humane Society recently completed a $6.4 million campaign for their Animal Medical Learning Center. They are a great resource for other shelters and are fantastic about sharing what they have learned. They can give you more concrete details about how they raised the funds (including selling personalized brick pavers).

Visit the link at: http://www.oregonhumane.org/news/AMLC_Groundbreaking.htm.

You can contact them by emailing info [at] oregonhumane [dot] org, or calling (503) 285-7722.


"If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up somewhere else!" -Alice in Wonderland

Kelly Ballance
Bird Behavior and Training
The Avian Medical Center
Lake Oswego, Oregon