Laev and I hope to participate in the AD (endurance test) at UDC Nationals this year (weather permitting). The AD consists of a 12.5 mile run for Laev, followed by an obedience routine (I get a bike for the mileage!). So we've started conditioning.
We just returned from a several-mile ride with my sister and her dog, and I checked pads -- no real wear. I offered water on the run, but she only wet her tongue and was finished. She hadn't slowed down at all by the end.
But... after a few moments of being inside, Laev lay down and is now contemplating a nap. Her eyes are still open -- but she's lying still.
It can be done! She *can* be tired! Whew!
a tired dog
I take my dogging running about 4-5 times a week, and we generally get in about 3 miles per run. I also keep hoping that after our run she'll be tired (or at least a little tired), but nope. As we run into our driveway, I'm sucking wind and she's looking up at me like, "why did we stop?"
One thing that did finally work was a speed workout. I took my dog on her first one last week, and by the end she was actually trailing me, instead of running in front of me. 1 minute sprint/1 minute jog for 7 reps seemed to do the trick.
Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately, since I am trying to condition for a long run, I don't actually want to exhaust her -- it would just be a nice side benefit. But I will keep your tip in mind for when I *do* need to tire her out (evenings at ClickerExpo, perhaps?).
Of course, that means *I* have to be in shape for speed sprints...!
Laura &
Update :-)
I posted too soon. She got up without sleeping, went to the door, and barked to go play outside. /grin/
Laura &