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Super Bunnies, rabbit hopping video starring clicker trained rabbits

 Rabbits have been my inspiration  for learning about clicker training. Here is a cute video starring three of my clicker trained rabbits. Filbert was the first one that I tried to train. He had a 36" vertical jump and kept escaping his pen to hop through the cat door to find me. He was so patient and forgiving as a first trainee.


I haven't trained rabbit hopping for awhile. I've been sidetracked training a variety of rabbit tricks and working with aggressive rabbits as well as becoming a professional dog trainer. Our latest project is "walk backwards".  It isn't quite a hop, more of a scooching motion. We have about a 10" back this week and I hope to get over 20" in the next few weeks. Why am I training a rabbit to walk backwards you might wonder? Well for one it is fun and something different. Secondly my fellow clicker trainer and friend Peggy Hogan has challenged me to train some of the same behaviors that her horses know (and some of those horses can back around the pasture).  So stay tuned for the next rabbit trick......rearing, pulling a cart?


Peggasus's picture

Deuling trainers...LOL

Yep, Can you see it now? A rabbit and miniature horse, both performing "can you top this" kinds of tricks.

In the meantime, this video is VERY cute and a must see for all Clicker trainers.

Peggy Hogan


Rabbit treats

Hi there,
May I ask what treats you typically use for reward? I understand rabbits have strict diets and need small amounts.
I ask for a friend.
Thanks! and congratulations/clicks to you-

Andrea Bratt Frick's picture

Rabbit treats

Hi Nancy

I use mostly rabbit pellets as a reward. I will use a higher value reward such as raisins, banana, or apple sauce from a feeding syringe during live performances or to train new behaviors. Rabbits shouldn't have more than a teaspoon or two of fruit per day. I also use things growing around the yard such as rose petals, mint leaves, fennel and nasturtium leaves or flowers. Some rabbits are pickier than others and some will actually be more motivated by petting than food.
