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Define real

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Occasionally I have too much time on my hands, like today, and I end up reading long blog posts and responses. While rummaging through archives I found this comment:

"That depends upon your personal definition of "clicker trainer." Perhaps you think I'm out because I did, for example, keep an Easy Walk body harness in the car for a year or so, so that when Laev's excitement got the better of her young brain I could manage instead of training through it if I were on a time constraint."

I hope the author will forgive me for not citing her, but I felt rather incensed as I came across it. I have an issue with the definition of 'real.' As in, "You're not a real (insert something here) because you do this or don't do that.

Anyway, my curiousity is...does using items like an Easy Walk harness make one some how less effective as a trainer? Every clicker training book I've read has suggested that haltis can be used in place of collars for training purposes, but I decided to use an Easy Walk instead. It reduced her pulling immediately which gave me many more chances to click her for good behavior and when we do come across something that makes us nuts (say Lola the white Great Dane with fence issues) I can take her away from the situation without her almost tearing her head off. Also, when I used a halti people thought my dog was dangerous because they thought it looked like a muzzle.

In brief, is there anything wrong with using an Easy Walk and if there is I am open to suggestion for other options.




trainer@caninesinaction.com's picture

I'm with Kelly :-)

Kelly, my point exactly! You caught the exact emotion I had when I wrote that (and cite as you will :-) ). If someone else thinks that I'm not a "real clicker trainer" (from the line preceding the quote), well, that's his business and his energy, not mine. :-) My responsibility is to my dog.

I feel that management is definitely a part of good training -- we try to avoid reinforcing, intentionally or unintentionally, the behaviors we don't want repeated. (Is it better or worse training to put a lid on the trash can when a pup's not supervised?) And while a few consider using an Easy Walk to be "cheating," I consider it a tool to allow greater reinforcement of the desired behavior (if it's used in training and not merely as a quick fix). A "clicker trainer" isn't defined by equipment (many clicker trainers don't use clickers, as Kathy Sdao points out in her talks) but by his decisions.

And since young Laev hasn't used the Easy Walk in a year or so (except for bike runs), obviously the desired behavior was reinforced and I could fade the management. At the risk of sounding arrogant, that's good training -- I got what I wanted!

If the Easy Walk makes your life and your dog's life better and advances your training goals, then use the Easy Walk. It's a relatively benign tool and it can be quite useful. Fade it as your behavior improves and not before. You're not doing a thing wrong in using it!

Laura &

  • Ascomannis Laevatein YTT RL1 CD-H (www.clickertraining.com/blog/179)
  • Inky (couch dog!)