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Filed in - Frustrated

Both me and my dogs are a little frustrated with clicker training. The only dog I have that's got it is my toy poodle that is 10yrs old. Which surprised me because everything I've read says that trying to convert a dog trained with traditional methods (Which she was) is harder then starting a dog that's never been trained. One of my dog's is totally lost on what I want (which may be my fault I'm just not sure how to correct it). But my Husky that I found last year (She was about 8mths old) seems to almost get angry about clicker training. I will try to click and treat and she will either ignore me (including the treats that she LOVES) or she will jump on me excessively trying to steal the treats. But no matter what she makes no effort to try and figure out what I want her to do. Any suggestions? I've can't find anyone that clicker trains in my area so I am at a lost.


operantlulu's picture

If you are feeling

If you are feeling frustrated I imagine that your dogs are frustrated, too. I would go back to "kindergarten". Make the training easier for your dogs. I'm guessing that the click isn't completely conditioned. When a dog isn't picking up on what you *want*, think about what you are doing, and why the dog should want to do the specific behavior. Also, lots of the time, I will think I know what my dog's favorite treat is (I assumed it was hot dogs), but in reality, she goes absolutely nuts for dry, biscuit type treats. So, your dogs are the only ones who know what their fav. treats are. Do you mind if I ask where you are located? There are lots of trainers that use positive reinforcement methods that may not be "clicker" but they'll use a marker word like "yes" or "good" and you could just use your clicker (with permission from the class instructor.


Rusty (13 YO Kitty), Gus (9 YO GSD), & "Dumbledore" (Approximately 1 YO Betta Fish)