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Miniature horses and freestyle

Just wanted to share this "work in progress" video of our demo freestyle routine. Handsome (the darker and larger mini) is a 5 yr. old with a year of clicker training. McKee (the bay) is just 3 and I've used the clicker with him since I got him as a yearling.


That is amazing I'd love to do clicker training and freestyle with my new miniuature horse, I just got him last week, we found him in our yard and have called all over and put up signs but noone seems to want him it's so said he is the biggest momma's boy, How do you get your horses to do what you want, I am trying to lunge him becuase he's very chubby but he won't listen too me no matter what I do and he just hides his head against my belly. My friend came over to show me what to do and he did it for her but when I went to do it he wasn't afraid of the thing I was using to get him to go and when I tried to stern up my voice my friend said I was yelling at him, it's so hard. Oh by the way your name is the same as my moms. Peggy. Any whoo do you have any advice? it'd be greatly appericated:D

Thank you

operantlulu's picture

Nice video :) I think we

Nice video :) I think we met at the LA ClickerExpo...

I had some trouble getting it to play all the way through, but what I saw was excellent. You make me want to add a mini to my "herd"!!


Pony (24 YO AppaloosaX), Rusty (13 YO Kitty), Gus (9 YO GSD), & "Dumbledore" (Approximately 1 YO Betta Fish)

Peggasus's picture

Minis are a great addition!

Hi Lulu...
The LA expo was excellent and I think we met as well. Thanks for the headsup on the video; I'll reload it. In the meantime I've got to start getting more dance moves myself! The minis are doing well and we're getting ready to try this in different locations.
Would love input!