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Clicker Canes

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Due to a hip injury I have recently started using a cane to help me move around. This is fairly traumatic for me on multiple levels. I'm 24 years-old. 24 year-olds shouldn't have to use canes. It makes me feel old. But mostly I hate it because it makes doing anything with Sarra immensely difficult. Even going for our daily walks is a huge pain (both emotionally and physically).

For one I taught Sarra to walk on my right side simply because it was more comfortable for me given my previous horse experience. Now my cane is on my right side so Sarra can't be. Simple fix, teach her to walk on the left, but I couldn't use my cane, hold Sarra's leash, deliver treats, and have a clicker in hand all at the same time. Duct tape, a bit of ingenuity and the i-click to the rescue.

I duct taped the clicker to the handle of my cane, filled up my treat bag which belts around my waist, and I was ready to go. In one five minute outside walk I got her walking consistently on my left side. We've also started doing off leash work with heeling (something I'd never planned on). We had several good laps around the lobby of my apartment building.

The downside is even with all this progress I can't keep it up for too long. Just a five minute walk leaves me running for the percocet and there's something about timing and narcotics that just don't mix well. To keep the young girl occupied I bought a ball to put her dinner and treats in. I've also been playing a lot of fetch with her. I'm not in a financial position where I can hire someone to walk her, so the majority of her exercise has to be in the house and require minimum mobility for me.

So far I've taught her to push a bucket around the house and then find food wherever I've hidden it and we play a lot of fetch and tug of war games on the bed. Any suggestions as to other energy burning activities would be welcome.

Thanks all,


Kelly's picture

Thanks for the ideas,

Thanks for the ideas, Christina. I'd never really though of doing fresstyle with her, but I bet she'd love it.

-Kelly and Sarra


Sorry to hear about your problem.
How about teaching her a sort of "free style dance" - bows, spins, walking backwards and sideways. A lot of movement-behaviors - with a target stick or free shaping you can do a lot of those sitting down. Then put them together (backchaining) a "dance"
Or look in to service dog training. Teach her to help you around the house.
Best of luck