Home » Pomeranian with VERY Poor Eating Habits

A Pomeranian Owner's Nightmare

I have a four month old Pomeranian who is healthy accordig to numerous tests done by the vet over three visits. My Pom wont eat. He refuses everything, there is nothign that I can feed him that he is interested in. He is full of energy but refuses to eat. I dont know what more to do. Have tried all high grade commercial including the ones he was raised on. I have tried cooking really lovely meals for him, with love and devotion, he wont eat. There is nothing this dog will eat.

 Why is he doing this? He is well loved and I play and train him daily. He gets a lot of attention so it cant be spite. But why is he not eating? It does not matter what. he gets lovely cuts of meat and chicken, fish and pork all fresh from the butchher as I would eat myself. he just refuses all, why?


If your vet absolutely certain that nothing is wrong, how long has the dog not been eating? Did the vet do a full physical including mouth exam, and maybe x-ray or a scan of the abdomen? Did any blood tests get done?
if he is indeed full of energy then he *must* be getting his energy from *somewhere*.
You say you train daily - do you use treats for training?
A four month old pom doesn't need large volumes of food - he might be getting all he can eat from trainingtreats and other sources - like the garbage can, family or neighbours that offer titbits during the day? The food of another pet?
I would recommend doing a little detective work to find out if he really eats nothing at all, all day. If he does eat training treats - weigh the amount he is getting, you might be surprised.

A healthy dog - a truly healthy dog - do not! starve itself to death if there is food available.

How do you feed him? does he always have access to his food?
We have a female dog that took a prolonged hungerstrike last year, and even though she was an adult I too got very worried. So I do understand how you feel. Our solution (after making sure she was physically in good health) was to serve two meals a day of a high quality dog food for high-active dogs (one of the prescription diets from the vet) and if she did not eat it in 20 minutes we removed it. We did spice it up a bit by putting a/d or soup over it, and when she started to eat we changed a little at a time back to her ordinary food. Never did figure out why she stopped eating.
As you dog is a puppy it is a bit more worrisome, and I can only recommend keeping in close contact with your vet, and please try to weigh your dog perhaps twice a week, maybe even three times a week.
best of luck