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 PLEASE HELP SAVE MY PUG.    My mother told me that my pug "Colenal" will have to be an outside dog if he continues to pee in the house. I dont think he is cut out for it honestly. All of us lead busy lives me with school and my mom with work untill late. Really its that after being let out for an hour he will come in eagrly and then proceed to pee on things. I dont understand he had ample time to do his duty.

PLEASE PLEASE EMAIL ME A SOLUTION countrywaverider [at] hotmail [dot] com

Peeing problems

First, has he been checked by your vet for a bladder or kidney infection?
If that checks out I would go back to the beginning with potty training...including using a crate when you are not home or can't keep an eye on him. Be sure the crate is only large enough for him to stand up and turn around. DO NOT leave food or water in the crate. As soon as you get home, take him outside on leash...wait for him to pee and click/treat...cue it go potty or whatever.
Be sure to treat all spots inside with a quality enzyme cleaner.
Hope this helps!