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New Guy

Filed in - crossover - first blog


Hello There!


This is something all new for me in a couple ways. First, I'm a classical dog training guy trying like mad to understand and learn operant conditioning. I've been studying and experimenting and think I'm finally getting to my own light bulb moment! I certainly hope so, for the sake of my own dog, Gracie (aka The Weeze), who is also serving as my guinea pig / crossover doggie.

The other first for me here is blogging. I've never tried it, and hope to use this as a support system and training diary as both Gracie and I learn.


So.... I'll be getting started with updates, and in the mean time wondering if anyone reads these? If so, please leave a note just so I know if you're out there or not! Smile


Thanx and you'll be reading from me VERY soon!









Kelly's picture


On coming over to the light side. I started training horses using pretty traditional methods and got out of it before I learned about OC. When I think about how much I could have improved my relationship with my horse and how much better I could have made his life, it still almost makes me cry.

But this time around (with a dog) I was able to help a very traumatized animal come around to being a happy, healthy, and really balanced dog. She went up to a strange man, tail wagging, for the first time ever yesterday and I still can't stop grinning.

So keep reading, and keep at it. It honestly changes everything.

Yeah, we're here!

And reading...

Welcome, Congratulations on taking the big step to learn and crossover! 10 years ago, I was in the same spot YOU are right now (only without blogging support...)


Jo Jacques, CDBC, CPDT, CPCT
WiggleBums! Dog-Friendly Training & Behavior
President, International Siberian Husky Club