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Ceasar is nearly 11 weeks old now.  he has had all his injections and in a week and a half he will be microchipped.  ceasar is a cross between a jack russell and a chiulhuala and is absolutly georgeous.  at the first visit to the vet he weighed 2lb and two weeks later at our next visit he weighed 3lb wow i was amazed at how much he had grown in two weeks.

ceasar is doing pee pee and poo poo outside now but sometimes he will go upstairs to do poo poo.  i am not too worried though as it is probably my fault for not getting the timings right.

I am going to try to start clicker training with ceasar this weekend.




Help! I've tried everything to get my 4 month old silkie to potty outside.
He just does not get it!!! He doesn't mind laying in his crate in his messes..The smaller crate, taking his elimination outside...having our older dog "model" appropriate behavior...the pee post, pee spray...none of it works. I will have him tied to me and will look down and there it is--another
mess!!I am at my wit's end with him. I've tried to use clicker training, but can't catch him being good in order to reinforce it!!! I don't know what else to try. I am very discouraged.