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Praise for Clicker Training—and Steve Benjamin

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Here's a recent e-mail from a student sharing his enthusiasm about a class with KPA faculty member Steve Benjamin, and about clicker training in general.

I'm attending a class with a gentleman named Steve Benjamin here in New York. In the past I had a rather timid and un-socialized Border collie pup I bought from a pet store. (Unfortunately, she passed away about a week ago.) I wanted to let you know that she went from a completely un-socialized puppy to a much more curious and well behaved puppy in only three weeks.

This week we began a manners class with our new lab mix, Lucy. She's only a 9-week-old baby, and at the end of only one class she knew that she received a great reward after the click. Also, she took right to the crate by following the directions on Steve's handout. I understand that Karen Pryor developed this type of positive training. Why can't we see more of this instead of Cesar's pack philosophy that is a temporary solution? Thank you for all you've done by developing this type of training. Steve is amazing. I thought clicker training was a joke on day one, and now I'm a full supporter, and will always advocate positive training.

To read a recent clickertraining.com story about Steve Benjamin, click here. For Steve's KPA profile, click here.

To learn more about Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior, click here.

Glad to hear about the increase in curiosity

Glad to hear about the increase in curiosity in your Border collie pup.  So often I think 'well, that's just my dog's personality.' This helps me take a second look.

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