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Peach, Day 4

Filed in - fear - peach

Location: garden center

Reinforcement: tuna brownies, liver brownies

Fear: consistent level 4

Today was frustrating. I took Peach to the garden center that's across the street from the farm store I went to yesterday, and she was pretty much a mess the entire time. She startled at every sound, barked several times, refused treats off and on, and hunkered down low with her tail between her legs. I did get a little offered attention, but most of the time I spent clicking her for nosing the potted roses lined up against the outside of the building. I also clicked herĀ a lot for looking at people who came out of the garden center. She probably ate a cup and a half in treats. She only had 1/3 cup of her breakfast so I knew she had to be hungry. Maybe she likes the food tube better?

One of the garden center employees stopped to say hi to Peach and Peach wanted nothing to do with her. This little dog is extremely social and loves people, but she wouldn't go anywhere near the woman. It's so disappointing.

I was quite some distance from the entrance (at least 15 feet), and that was the same distance we were from the farm store's door yesterday. There were slightly more people during today's outing, but other than that, I can't figure out what the difference was. She didn't come out of her shell at all today like she did yesterday. How am I ever going to make a show dog out of her?


Hello Amy,
I just came across your blog and I'm very happy to have found it. I haven't read all the way back to its beginning yet but I'm expecting to learn a lot from it--not only about clicker training but also about the ups and downs of training. You have accomplished a lot with your Scots!

I did have a question. When you say Peaches is at a particular level, what are you referring to?

San Antonio, TX