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Phoebe Chronicles On The Go!

Heading to the shore? Print and pack The Phoebe Chronicles, beach reading for dog lovers everywhere. Read along as Phoebe, Gale Pryor’s Border collie, grows from a young pup into a fun-loving clicker dog. You’ll laugh and you’ll cry—so don’t forget to pack the tissues. And if you’re staying close to home, The Phoebe Chronicles will transport you on an armchair vacation of the canine variety. Click the attachment below to download. Happy reading, from Karen Pryor Clickertraining!

  woman and dog sitting on the beach  

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The_Phoebe_Chronicles_Print_and_Pack.pdf745.97 KB
Rosana Hart's picture

Highly recommended

I just got *back* from the beach and am trying to catch up with everything, but I got sidetracked and just read this excellent ebook! Didn't even print it out. Yep, needed the tissues too.

Rosana Hart

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