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Friskiest Cat Award Winner

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From Cathy H.

One of my clicker trained kitties, Gypsy won the Friskiest Cat Award from Friskies at the cat show we attended this past Saturday. It was the National Capital Cat Show in Chantilly, VA. There were 450 purebreds, and a separate show for about 100 Household cats. The cats from the Friskies commercials were performing as well.

During the show, the Friskies trainers went around the show to find cats to be finalists for the award. Luckily, when they came down my row I was doing some tricks with Gypsy. They thought she was so cute. Later that day when we were being judged in the Shelter cat ring. Someone ran up and said you're needed in the Friskies ring. I didn't even know we were selected!

There were 4 other cats as finalists. We were the last one, and they asked me to take her out and try some tricks. Unfortunately, I didn't have her treats or clicker since we ran from the other ring. She was pretty distracted with such a big crowd in front of her too. But she finally did a beg and a "bye bye" (where she sort of does a high five but waves) Everyone clapped, and she backed up thinking what the heck was that noise!! LOL! Anyhow, the audience did the final vote, and she won! She got this really nice glass award that says: 2002 Friskiest Cat Award National Capital Cat Show, and it has a frame to put her photo.

I am so proud of her, and the clicker training has made all the difference! Of course, the ONE time I haven't brought my clicker handouts to a show, everyone asked me about it! I did have Karen Pryor's book that I usually display, and I gave out the URL's to several folks. She also won, 3rd best shorthair, 4th best shelter rescue, and 14th best out of all the cats. Yay!

Thanks for letting me share my news!

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