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Success Stories

Let Me Entertain You! Successful Holiday Parties for Pet Owners

Pets and parties?

I love the movie A Christmas Story. My favorite characters are, of course, the Bumpus Hounds.

Five Questions to Ask Before Starting a Dog Training Business

Odds against a dream come true

Every year I meet a lot of people who dream of starting a dog training business.

Ignorance Is Bliss: Real-World Use of Modifiers with a Search & Rescue Dog

A search-and-rescue start

Why I Love Freestyle: That Unique Connection

When I first took the plunge into freestyle, I already had a vision of a routine I wanted to do with The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Ennio Morricone's awesome soundtrack from the movie of the same name. I envisioned telling an entertaining story about struggling for the Confederate gold. Thank goodness I chose something a bit easier for the first freestyle routine my dog, Listo, and I would do together, and then had the time to really think about my vision for Good, Bad, Ugly.

The Power of Ongoing Learning

Last month I wrote about some well-trained, problem-solving animals and the incredible things they accomplished on their own.