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Awaiting Poppy

   I am counting down the days until my new puppy comes to live at my house. Fourteen days from today. I am so excited. I will be a new puppy parent again. 

   I have the new puppy crate prepared with newspaper inside and a few puppy chew toys. I bought a new collar with an ID tag and leash. I am beginning to purchase the other things --- enzymatic cleanser, puppy shampoo, etc. And of course I have my clickers and some small, soft bite treats.
   It has been nine years since we had a puppy in the house and so much has changed about early puppy training and socialization since that time. Back then, it was suggested that we put our puppy in a puppy class at 12 weeks, after the second series of shots. Now, training and socialization experiences begin almost from the time the puppies are born.
   When Poppy arrives at 8 weeks old, she will already have a couple of weeks of litter clicker training and a vast repertoire of new experiences.  I will be expected to continue the clicker training and socialization experiences every day following her arrival.
   Clicker training with my other two dogs was a much more formal affair with specific goals and objectives. Clicker training the new puppy will be more relaxed, spontaneous and a part of play. I guess this new attitude comes with experience and being more relaxed and comfortable with it.
   I am reading everything I can get my hands on. The Karen Pryor website has been invaluable as have been the Puppy Prodigy videos.

Healthy Puppy

Seven days and counting.
I have new puppy pictures from Angie. The pups are growing up so fast!
All the puppies went for their CERF exam today and then on to the vet for their health and wellness checkup and first shots. All are healthy little puppies with good vision.
I made an appointment today with my vet for the Monday morning after I pick up my puppy. I must remember to bring a toy and some tasty bite sized treats for the staff to give her so that her first experience at our vet clinic is a happy one.

The Rusty Clicker

Wow! My clicker training has gotten really rusty. I have fallen into such an easy relationship with my older dogs (8 and 13) that I just have not taken the clicker out in months, and then only to refine a behavior that I wanted to "fine tune."
I played the "box game" with Trooper yesterday. My thinking has slowed; my timing is off!
I really need to practice and refine my skills before this new puppy comes.