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OK its a blog not a forum - but is there anyone out there?

Hi again. Well I have been looking at the site for inspiration each day. I know this is a blog and not a forum, but I feel like no-one is out there. The points system seems great, but I can't access my vouchers. I've emailed about buying the new book twice and got no reply. Patience is a virtue.

But all the same, the blog helps me think, so lets update on dog progress.  Yesterday we were at a market, so I had the opportunity to walk each dog separately. Arffa had the first walk on a harness and short lead. He walked beautifully and sat down when another dog passed by. He didn't want to walk down the road towards the park - I think there are dog scents that make him want to return to safe territory. Next week I will approach the park from a different direction. Then it was FLYs turn. He was a bit more anxious, but when we got to the river he had a great swim, and then we went to the park. He barked at joggers, but was easily distracted with clicker treats and "hooplas" on and off of the benches in the park. When RABs turn came I took a long leash and a tennis ball. He had a quick swim in the river, and then we moved onto the park. I put the long leash on and we went to play. There were two other dogs in the park. The first ran up and introduced itself and they played. I took Rab off the lead and they had a fab time. We met the owners and chatted. The other dog joined in too. So we have some new friends. Next week we will make sure Fly meets them to. Perhaps in future weeks after getting Arffa used to the park I will be brave enough to introduce Arffa to the new dogs, but I will have to plan it well as one is an entire male. We will see.


trainer@caninesinaction.com's picture

blog chatter...

Feedback on blogs seems to go in waves, and sometimes people read but just have little to say back. But as you say, just the act of blogging can help one think through the training process and view it more objectively. I know that I've altered training plans myself as I thought about reporting them to others for feedback -- it forces me to look at my training more objectively and less personally. (I always tend to take my own training too personally! and am much more balanced about others' training. It is, I hear, a common fault.)

It's also a good way of keeping track of progress. I've looked back at old blog posts to remind myself of where we used to be.

Anyway, keep writing and keep training. You never know who's lurking, and even if no one is reading at the moment, you and your dogs can still benefit. :-)

Laura &

  • Ascomannis Laevatein YTT RL2 CDX-H CGC BH RN CD WAC ATT(UDC) AD ATT(ATTS)
  • Inky RL1 CGC

yes there is!

Hi thanks for the replies - I think there is still a slight problem with the emails, but no doubt all will be well soon.