Hi All, I'm a new 'clicker trainer' and I've just had my first session with my 1 yr old cat, Princess Nokia. She did really well, bless her, and was touching the target lovely. (I got through nearly a whole tin of tuna tho!!!)
I'm getting a new cat at the end of August when we get back from Florida. (I'm from the UK) It's an Ocicat, I'm so excited, it's the first pedigree I've had! I also have 3 moggies and a staffie dog!
Love to hear form anyone out there!
Take care.
3 dogs!
Check out my blog entries for the full story on how come I ended up with 3 dogs, two of whom are still puppies really. I can't quite believe it myself, but it certainly makes life interesting.
Thank you for
Thank you for replying!
I'll keep you up to date, I'm planing on doing a bit each day, work load permitting!
Have you a cat/dog/horse????
Take care
Great to see a new blogger. I'm also from the UK but live in France.
Let us know how you get on.