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When CU goes wrong, or, my nutty dog :-)

I put Shakespeare in a crate with a chew (which, offended, he did not deign to eat) and Inky in another with a chew (which she ate) and kept Laev out for a training session.  I had two exercises in mind.

1)  open her mouth, with a big "say Ahh" movement
2)  relax on a mat in preparation for gunshot desensitization

I'd started the open mouth idea a full year ago, but I'd not worked very hard on it and hadn't kept it up.  No reason to.  Now, however, I suddenly need to fill more time at our demos this weekend, and Laev needs a cute trick.  So back to the open mouth game.  I'd done one session on it last night, just enough to remind her that jaw movement works for clicks.  (It's very hard getting jaw movement with no vocalization!)

It would be very wrong to say that Laev doesn't do much with her mouth; Laev is quite oral.  But she doesn't lick or kiss or pant like most other dogs on the planet.  Seriously, I generally see her pant only during summer bitework or after mile 10 on the AD.  It's not even a common stress signal for her.  So it was bizarre when I sat down to start our open-mouth session and she was panting.

Not really panting, after a moment.  Just sitting there with her mouth open.  Did she actually remember the open mouth?  I didn't think so; she was just "stuck" that way.  This was not as good as it sounded -- I couldn't click her opening her mouth!

So I abandoned that project and went to the other side of the couch, where I set out a mat.  Laev parked promptly, but I wanted to shape her into relaxing.  I clicked for chin down, etc., but she was faking.  She wasn't relaxed, she was working the click system.

It took a long while before I could click a hip flop.  As I clicked, she immediately popped back into a sphinx down.  Repeat.  Repeat.  Repeat.  She tried the other direction.  Cool!  Mom will click either hip flop!  Watch me work both of them!

Finally I got her stable for a few seconds.  She looked at me, lying on one hip, and gave me a big open mouth.  And another.  Way better than before.

I don't want to click the wrong behavior in the wrong place.  Back to the couch and clicking for open mouth. 

Laev started getting the open mouth, offering it more regularly.  (Never as good as on the mat!)  She had some superstitious body movement too, but I can live with that; it's just a silly trick.  I decide that we're not going to have time to finish the full open mouth and hold before Saturday, so I'll go with an open/close/open/close movement and call it something to do with "goldfish."  :-)

Back to the mat, on the other side of the room.  Laev starts working the hip flops, never actually relaxing, just trolling for clicks.  I stop clicking hip flops and click only what can be accomplished with muscle extensions -- legs extending, head lowering, ears relaxing, etc.  In theory, this should relax the dog.

I just had a FABULOUS session yesterday with a dog in this.  This fear-aggressive boy used to aggress at dogs across the street; relaxed on his mat, he was able to lie quietly and calmly while Shakespeare did happy treat dances back and forth about 15' away.  I was thrilled with his progress, and in theory I know the concept of shaping relaxation on the mat.

But not with Laev.  Determined to make me click, she started throwing everything she could think of at me -- crossing and uncrossing her front paws, flopping from one hip to another, raising and lowering her chin, and opening her mouth repeatedly.  ALL AT ONCE.  She looked like some sort of demented Rube Goldberg device.  I couldn't help laughing, but we were not getting relaxation on the mat.

Finally got an instant of stillness, clicked and threw the treat off the mat, and let her reset.  Clicked and treated for stillness.  Not relaxed, but at least less like a steam engine about to explode.

Back to the couch and the open mouth, where I started adding a cue.  We don't have the behavior anywhere near stimulus control yet, but I think it'll be good enough to fake for Saturday's demos.

Back to the mat.  I settled for clicking for a hip flop and chin rest, though she was faking.  She wasn't really lying still, not in her brain.  She was ready to launch if I asked!

So... yeah.  She's not nervous on the mat, but she's not relaxed.  We have a way to go.  :)

getting in touch with my dog

Thanks for this post. When I read "I stop clicking hip flops and click only what can be accomplished with muscle extensions -- legs extending, head lowering, ears relaxing, etc. In theory, this should relax the dog." I suddenly remembered the day I taught Arffa to wiggle his tail while I sang a silly song (sometimes quite embarassing when I'm using this behaviour to calm him down in the presence of another dog). Anyway, I realised that I had then passed the book "Getting in Touch with your dog" to my partner to read, and hadn't really worked on any of the other physical relaxation things. I also realised that hungry for answers I have been buying the next book, and the next book, and the next book, and reading them all before I've practiced what I have learned. I think its gone in, and am to busy searching for the next big read. Time to get back outside, one dog at a time, and start at the very beginning!

trainer@caninesinaction.com's picture


I think we all do that -- get wrapped up in details and suddenly remember that we forgot something major. :)

This is one reason I blog. It really does help me to review my own training in a way that I don't if I'm just plowing through.... Blogging forces me to think about what I'm doing and evaluate it.

And occasionally it's very, very good for keeping me humble, too. ;)

Laura &

  • Ascomannis Laevatein YTT RL2 CDX-H CGC BH RN CD WAC ATT(UDC) AD ATT(ATTS)
  • Inky RL1 CGC