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I used to teach people how to coach others, so why am I making such a meal of this?

Filed in - reading - practice - coaching

I was just reading Lauras blog when I realised just one of the things I've been doing wrong. I suddenly remembered the day I taught Arffa to wiggle his tail while I sang a silly song (sometimes quite embarassing when I'm using this behaviour to calm him down in the presence of another dog) and I realised that I had then passed the book "Getting in Touch with your dog" to my partner to read, and hadn't really worked on any of the other physical relaxation things. I also realised that hungry for answers I have been buying the next book, and the next book, and the next book, and reading them all before I've practiced what I have learned - more or less picking out the most striking thing in the book to work on, and then moving on. I think its gone in, and am too busy searching for the next big read.With a stack of dog related books by the bed, I still have a wish list - I must have Karen Pryors new book, and control unleashed, and the dominance myth. But how much coaching am I doing with my dogs? Whats my excuse now? The rain has stopped, Arffa and Fly are outside, treats and clickers everywhere. Do I need a plan? Couldn't I just start from the beginning and stop making it all complicated? Just get on with it woman!!!!

Aidan Bindoff's picture

Haha, we all do that for a

Haha, we all do that for a while! It's enjoyable. Use it as a reinforcer for training your dog.


