What do you do with your dog when you go on vacation?

Filed in
Leave him at home cared for by a professional drop-in sitter
2% (2 votes)
Leave him at home cared for by drop-in friends, family, or neighbors
7% (7 votes)
Arrange for someone to pet-sit at your home fulltime
16% (16 votes)
Take him to the home of a friend, family member, or neighbor
16% (16 votes)
Take him to a kennel
13% (13 votes)
Bring him along on a dog-friendly itinerary
41% (40 votes)
3% (3 votes)
Total votes: 97

Service dog

It's easy for me.  Tyler is my mobility service dog so he gets to come everywhere with me.   Since in Canada mobility service dogs don't have as much rights as guide dogs, if we go out of town  I e-mail the hotels, conferences, etc. we are going to just to make sure they have no problem letting service dogs in. So far Tyler is welcomed everywhere.  In fact in some places he is more welcomed than we are :)  Some conference organizers have a good sense of humour :)
